I've had so many inquiries for end of life Zoe Sessions the past couple of months. At first I thought it was like when you buy a new car you suddenly see your car everywhere. We said good by to Dash in May and that's when the inquiries started. It's always sad to say goodbye and it's never easy no matter how long you've known it was coming. It's even harder for those who have young pups who are told that that pup's life will not be extended much longer. Sandy was such a happy dog and when we did a short photo session for her I wanted to make sure that happiness showed in the images. End of life Zoe Sessions are designed to capture all that you love about your dog while minimizing the effects of age or decease. So, we set out to get some images that showed Sandy at her best. We knew we would need to pick a spot and stay there as Sandy was not very steady on her feet. So, the images you're seeing here were all taken in one spot. Even though it's one location we got a variety of images of Sandy and her dog mom, Jill without tiring her out too much. As hard as it is, I'm so very thankful for people like Jill who are able to let their dogs go when it's time. It's the least we can do for all the happiness they've given us. Comments are closed.
Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories