Does your dog have a daily schedule that they routinely follow? This is often dictated by families who work outside the home or have kids who go to school. There is a routine that is always in place and the dog usually adapts nicely. Hermes knows when it's Wednesday (every time!) and anxiously waits for me to get to the part where I pick up my keys so that he can go out the door with me headed to doggie daycare. Any other time he goes to his bed when I get my keys and looks at me as if to say, "See you later." Other than that, his days could be described as, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-days. We go for walks, we sit outside, we play "where's the rabbit." We just do what we want, when we want. Dash on the other hand, could care less what day it is. He has the same routine day in and day out. It doesn't matter what you have planned, his plans are always the same. It goes something like this: He wakes up bright and early (cough) around 9am. He goes outside to do his business, runs back in, checks the dog bowl to make sure there is food in it for later, then heads back to his kennel. When he is alerted that there might be something outside, he runs to the front door and barks like mad. (Most of the time it's a false alarm, but by gosh he's ready!) Towards the afternoon hours Dash leaves the front room for better sun bathing options in the kitchen and a good view of the back yard. This is the time of day when the squirrels are out and thus, this is when Dash's "work day" truly begins. He sees a squirrel, runs to the door and barks his little head off telling that squirrel to "GET OFF MY LAWN!" (He's such a crotchety old man sometimes.) Dash sprints out the door into the yard, kicking grass and dirt, (or snow) everywhere, runs the track around the tree, then jumps repeatedly at the squirrel who is now perched in the tree spewing a string of obscenities in Dash's direction. When Dash has ended the conversation, he trots back inside and plops down on the couch or in front of the fire if it's cold out. This is the first of about 15 or more "Let me out...let me in" rotations that last for about an hour or so until Dash has worn himself out. Honestly, sometimes I'm worn out before he is. At the end of the day, Dash likes to lay on the couch beside me while I watch Netflix, whine a little to let me know that I should be scratching him, and then finally goes to his kennel when it's time for everyone to be in bed. Yep, that's his whole day unless I convince him that it is warm enough for him to go for a walk with Hermes and I. It's a dog's life for sure. This post is part of a blog circle, so to see what other pet photographers' dogs in might be doing with their day, start with KME Photography in Minneapolis, MN. Have a great weekend!
3/30/2018 08:19:20 am
omg, I love his cocoon bed! So cute!!
3/30/2018 08:41:32 am
That bed it new and he LOVES it. ;)
Danyel Rogers
3/30/2018 05:39:49 pm
The jumping picture of Dash made me laugh outloud. So funny!
3/31/2018 10:26:07 am
Wow what a busy day Dash has! He's absolutely adorable! 3/31/2018 02:53:14 pm
Well, another dog that just loves saying "this is my yard" to the squirrels! Great photos for the 'day in the life' theme - thanks for sharing.
3/31/2018 08:33:47 pm
Fantastic! Love the squirrel, and good to know how well guarded you are:-). I also love that mat you’ve got in the shape of a bone! Comments are closed.
Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories