During all of the preparation for setting up my business (wow, there is so much more than people let on), I had a little setback . . . nerves! Of all things, I found myself worrying about some of the specifics of my photo taking abilities. (It's funny how your confidence drops when you venture into uncharted territory). I had a new camera, and as with any new toy you have to get use to some of the, well, newness. For starters, this camera was larger and heavier than my old camera. Turns out I have a steadier hand with the extra weight. Second, I had to figure out what settings were going to benefit me with my style of photography . . . you know, the fast moving, eye darting, slobbery subject kind of photography. After reading through what might just be the longest written manual ever, I started experimenting. I wasn't having instant success like I wanted, and I was getting a little discouraged about my progress with this new camera. So . . . I decided to take Hermes out and photograph him and all his doggie goodness. I took him to our usual walking track to try and take a few photos. He was less than cooperative, and being that he was on a leash there really wasn't much I could do about it. At the end of the walk I took him to the middle of the field, scanned the area to see if there were any potential distractions, and looking him straight in the eye I said, "Hermes, please let me take some pictures of you. Please don't run away, just be good for a few minutes, that's all I ask . . . please, please, please and please." As soon as I unhooked his leash and he looked as though he was going to dart across the field, this happened . . . Comments are closed.
Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories