This is Denver! He's all business in the front and party in the... well, he's also got a party side. Don't believe me, just watch his tail! Denver is a therapy dog with too many initials after his name for me to try and remember them all here, but because he has a business side opposite from his fun loving side, he's one of the best in the therapy world. When Denver poses for the camera he's all business. He has such a handsome face and he works it. But, when Denver plays, he can't keep the huge grin off his face! Even with his friends, it's either all fun and games, or "give them your best Bogart, Bogie." Whatever the situation calls for, work it, Denver. You're beautiful inside and out! Comments are closed.
Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories