Since Grace was released from commercial breeding she has been getting healthy and enjoying the life every dog should know with a wonderful foster family. She's a beautiful black merle Great Dane and she's in need of a family to call her own. To try and help let people know that Grace is searching for her forever family, we wanted to get some pictures of her that would show not only her gorgeous physical traits, but how beautiful she is on the inside as well. We took some pictures first in her open backyard and then on the deck and I felt pleased with what we got. Then we moved to the front yard where there was more color and those images won out over the others. The flowers helped show Grace's softer side (since she's such a big girl). Just having the flowers in the frame with her helps to show that this XL dog is meant for family more than a lot of other large breeds who's job is more of that of a guard dog. If you want images that have a sense of calm to them, bring in some flowers. Not only will they brighten the scene, the color will brighten the viewers day, too. It always does mine. ;O) Grace is available for adoption through B-Squad Dog Rescue in Brandon, SD. If you'd like to see what others have blooming in their area, start with Pet Love Photography and continue around the blog circle. 7/11/2020 03:12:51 pm
Aw, pretty Grace - your gorgeous images will get her adopted soon for sure! Comments are closed.
Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories