It was November and our first snow fell. YAY! I love snow and I love snow photos. So . . . Say hello to Taz and Mayzie! These two had as much fun as I did that day. These two have so much energy and had so much fun that by the time I got in my van to leave my cheeks hurt from smiling. . . (and, I still smiled all the way home). They ran and jumped and played and it was so fun to watch big 'ole Taz play like the puppy that he is. Mayzie, being smaller had a little more trouble with the deeper parts of the snow, but nothing stopped her from keeping up with Taz. She can hold her own, too . . . When Taz stole her stick she was not going to let a little snow get in the way. I didn't notice during the session how much Mayzie mimics Taz. Once I uploaded the photos though it was very obvious that she watches and soaks up everything he does. Be a good dog, Taz . . . Mayzie is right behind you. I know you'll always be a wonderful big brother. :O)
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Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories