This week's theme for the 52 Weeks Blog Circle is "rule of thirds." Photographers all know this phrase and know that it's a rule that they're suppose to follow when creating an image. Basically, if you divide your image into thirds, your subject should fall on one of the two dividing lines. Well, although an image might turn out this way, I might be considered a rule breaker. I photograph stories I want to tell and the composition is whatever tells that story best or whatever is most pleasing to me. Some of you may know I work with Dogs On Deployment, an organization that helps military pet owners find boarders willing to watch their pets while they're deployed or on assignment. We recently had a contest for Military Pet Of the Year and not only did I learn about so many prize worthy pets, but I also learned about some wonderful businesses who donated products to our winners. One of these businesses is Bowser Beer . They donated custom label bottles of dog brew to our top 3 dogs and sent me a sample as well. I'm so impressed with this company and their products. They even have pretzels to go with the beer, "cigar" treats, and gift sets for that hard to buy for canine friend. (You should check them out.) I took some product pictures, and paid special attention to placement. First, I wanted the focus to be on the labels so I zoomed in and took this picture showcasing our top 3 dogs from the competition. (They even gave them their own brew names!) There are 3 bottles here, but this does not show the rules of thirds. This image is centered. Then, I took a picture of the bottles along with Hermes' bowl and some treats just to make sure the viewer knows that Bowser Beer is for dogs (because even though it says "non-alcoholic treat for dogs," right on the label, well..... you know). ;O) Even though this image is centered, the bottles are what people will notice first. Partly because they are the most colorful, and partly because since we read from left to right, our eyes tend to scan pictures from left to right seeing the bottles first. However, this does demonstrate the rule of thirds with that 2nd bottle being very close to one of the rule's dividing lines. Lastly, I wanted to get a picture with Hermes included (because he's a dog and all). This is where I purposefully chose to incorporate the "rule of thirds" for my image. I put the bottles over on the dividing line and placed Hermes in back a little out of focus so that he would be an element that tells more of the story rather than a distraction from the Bowser Beer bottles. (He looks a little jealous of the other dogs' labels.) ;O) In my opinion, rules in art are made for learning. Once you know why the rule is there, it's up to you if you want to follow it or not. (I sound like such a rebel!) I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 3/6/2020 09:19:21 am
Hermes looks like he can't wait to crack open a bottle of that beer and get the weekend going! And what a great way for that brand to get involved in that organization. All around great stuff.
3/6/2020 09:29:03 am
Thanks, Angela. Hermes can't wait for anything that's consumable. lol I've met some great businesses that have helped support DoD. Bowser Beer is too fun not to share. ;)
Rachel Moore
3/6/2020 01:08:51 pm
Well that's a neat take on this subject! I've never heard of the organization you mentioned. A great idea!
3/11/2020 10:03:19 am
Dogs on Deployment is a fantastic organization. If you ever have friends who would like to board send them our way. ;O)
3/10/2020 07:32:16 pm
I couldn't get past the cute dogs on the label to read that the beer is for the dog. ha! The last picture is ahhhhmazing!
3/11/2020 10:03:57 am
Thanks, Jackie! Those custom labels are so fun!! 3/11/2020 06:24:01 am
What a clever idea and creative product images - good post for the rule of thirds too! Comments are closed.
Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories