When I was a kid, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was a must on Thanksgiving day. It was usually interrupted a time or two by static when my mom ran the hand mixer making mashed potatoes, but I never left the TV for fear of missing my favorite balloon . . . Snoopy! I would watch as each balloon made it's way onto the screen and the announcer would always tell who was still to come before each commercial. They always teased us with Snoopy, and of course Santa who would appear at the end of the parade. As an adult I still watch the parade . . . I watch while I'm cooking the turkey and mixing the mashed potatoes. My tv is little and fits on the kitchen counter; no rabbit ears required. :O) For a few years now I've had a "bucket-list-of-things-that-may-or-may-not-happen." At the top was "See the Macy's parade in person." Well, last year my husband and I made it happen. I felt a little like a kid waiting for it to start. We got there early and had front row seats (ok, we were standing, but still). It was cold and turned a little wet at one point, but I thought it was worth it. . . I got to see Snoopy!!! (Did I mention that my niece was in the parade, too?) . . . AND I got to see Snoopy!!! If you've ever watched a kid at a parade you know that the excitement and anticipation is almost electric. They crane their necks to see if it's coming and they can actually start to bounce they are so excited. This is exactly what I thought of when I was editing pictures of Juno. We had to move to the side of the trail for a bike to pass and she was just like a kid waiting for that parade. She watched that bike like it was a once a year occurrence. I love it when dogs show human characteristics that are so apparent in kids. I love seeing animals smile and I love it even more when they are excited about something. They have no idea that I'm experiencing the thrill with them and that it really does make my day. Thanks for making my day, Juno!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends! And, I hope you get a chance to catch Snoopy on the TV or even in person. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Quoted...I can't really get them to say "cheese," but I can almost always make them smile. -Kelly Categories